The support you can expect from the best colleges for international students

As an international student, coming to study in America is daunting. Exciting and worthwhile, yet daunting. You’ll need to complete many tasks before you can finally start studying at an American college for international students.

Therefore, it’s important that the college you choose will give you enough support. Some colleges offer more support than others do to international students, and this level of support is important to deciding where you’ll study. You want to be able to focus on enjoying your time as an international student in America.

In this article, you’ll learn about three types of support commonly offered—financial, governmental, and lifestyle. You’ll learn about what you can ask prospective colleges to ensure you have the most support possible, so you can get the most out of your time as an international student in America. 

Colleges for international students offer financial support

Studying in American can be costly. Not only do you need to pay for college tuition, but also rent, food, travel, insurance, and any number of other expenses. What’s more, you need to plan your finances in advance. Most colleges for international students won’t accept you until you’ve shown that you have the finances to pay your way in America. 

Some students will be able to find assistance from their home government or family in meeting these costs. However, the best colleges do recognize the financial needs of international students, and will offer scholarships. Not only limited to high sporting or academic achievement, colleges offer a wide range of scholarships to international students of varying abilities. 

Therefore, it pays to look into what scholarships and other financial support a college can give you, before you take the step of enrolling. Do not simply assume that because you’re not an academic or sporting star that you won’t be eligible. The best colleges for international students will have a wide range of financial support on offer.

Available scholarships should be listed on the university’s website. However, sometimes this information can be in separate places, so it’s worth sending their admissions department a quick email asking for information on scholarships and other financial aid. Because enrollment in most US universities is only granted after you have given indication of your financial position, you want to ensure that you have looked into all the available financial support before you take any steps to enroll. 

Colleges for international students offer governmental support

Before you come to America, you need to cut through the red tape. You’ll have to look into visas, tax, insurance, and sort out what kind of work you’ll be allowed to do—some visas will put restrictions on your ability to work. There may even be considerations of permanent residence if you decide you like America so much that you want to stay.

Unfortunately, dealing with all this alone is a real headache. You don’t want to get anything wrong that could spoil your chances of studying in America. The best colleges for international students will give you both information and support to ensure you receive proper guidance.

When evaluating colleges for the level of governmental support they give, your first visit should be to the international services section of their website. You should be able to find various forms and guides that will help you through the process. If so, download them and read through, making sure to send their international admissions department a quick email if you don’t understand anything.

The second step is to simply ask them. “What support do you give with visas, tax, and similar issues?” is a valid question to ask a prospective college, and an important one. Colleges for international students will be more than happy to help or point you in the right direction.    

Colleges for international students offer lifestyle support

You don’t want to be alone in America. The best colleges for international students will have a diverse and active international student population. They’ll have clubs to cater for every interest, and many opportunities for a life outside study. They’ll also be willing to set you up with all this—point you towards other students.

The best way to determine whether your prospective college will offer such support is to look at what lifestyle support the college offers. They should have this information readily available where you can find it online. The college should also have information on how many international students attend the university. Colleges for international students will have a diverse international student population, ensuring you’ll always find students you can easily relate to.

Where you’re going to live is also important. Colleges for international students will offer both on-campus education, as well as lists of available off-campus accommodation you can look into. Being able to quickly find a place to live which will accept international students will make the initial settling in period faster, and so is something that is worth looking into before you make the trip to America. 

The right support makes for a great time

As an international student in America, you want the best experience possible. You want to focus on your studies. You want to make new friends. You want to experience the American culture. You also don’t want anything to go wrong.

Finding the right college for international students makes all this easier. Your college can give you help with your finances, government regulation, and enjoying your new life. Before enrolling in a college, look into all this. Many of these decisions are best made before you move, not after while you’re trying to find your way in an unfamiliar country.

With a college for international students that gives all three types of support, you can turn the otherwise daunting experience of moving to study in America to an experience that is smooth and enjoyable.


Author: Charlie Schwartz

About the Author: Charlie Schwartz is the Assistant Director for International Admissions at the University of Cincinnati, and a UC MBA alum. He works with students from around the world, especially in India, to help them achieve their dreams and enroll in US higher education.

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