5 Tips to Let Go Fear and be More Confident

For sure, there is one point in your life when you lack confidence and that led to losing something that you desire. Confidence is something that has to be built. At times, we feel fear and self-doubt. There are times that we do not believe in ourselves and all negative thoughts sink into our mind and those negative thoughts hinder us from doing or achieving our dreams. These feeling of fear and doubt will not help us reach our full potential. This article offers 5 useful tips which will help you eliminate that fear and let go of any self-doubt in you. These tips will help you boost your confidence and be at your best.

 Tip number 1: Do it! 

There is a famous line by Susan Jeffers. She says that you have to feel the fear and do it anyway! They say that 90% of the things that we fear will never ever happen. You have to remember that false expectations may appear real. If you fear it, most probably, you will not do it. The result is that nothing really happened; nothing was made to happen because of the fear that hinders you. 

Tip number 2: Keep thinking positive! 

In our brain, we have our own memory bank. In that bank, we must deposit all positive thoughts. Withdraw all negative thoughts and experiences that may affect the way you think or perceive things. This is because if you only have positive thoughts, you will feel good and if you feel good, you are more confident. Try to observe all the thoughts that you have. How do these thoughts affect your everyday living? 

Tip number 3: Arrange things in perspective 

Bear in mind that people are actually more alike than being different from each other. It is advised to get a view of other people. After that, you make an understanding attitude especially when you are in a situation that is uncomfortable to you. Through this, you will be more confident around new people. If for instance, you have to talk in front of a lot of people and you are feeling nervous, just remember that probably they are feeling the same way as you are. 

Tip number 4: It takes practice and perseverance 

Sometimes, the feeling of failure wants us to easily give up and just let fear and self-doubt take over. But that should not be the case. What you should do is strive hard and persevere. As you persevere, the fear of failure will fade and you will be more confident in doing things to achieve your goals. Keep on practicing and learning. These are the key to be confident and successful. 

Tip number 5: Think and act confident! 

Researches show that faking confidence does not help you to be confident at all. It is the other way around. If you feel scared and unconfident, you should be confident anyway! There are five basic things that you should remember: sit in front, always make eye contact, walk fast, say your opinion and smile.

Follow these tips and you will be more confident in achieving your goals in life. 


Sarah Del Rosario is a blogger from Tower of Power, a blog built by Joshua Uebergang and is designed to make clear thousands of years of secrets in winning friends and influencing people.


Image credit:  mikebaird on Flickr

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